11 September 2023

The future of development in the MENA region rests on climate security

In the Middle-East and North-African region (MENA), the multidimensional profile of prevalent crises requires a way of thinking about development that goes beyond the conventional approach. In an article for UNDP, Kishan Khoday explains how a climate security perspective makes the shift to new pathways and aims for a systemic impact. We should move from extractive oriented development to risk-informed solutions which acknowledge the key roles of the socio-ecological context.

With nature at its core, the approach includes supporting affected communities in their immediate needs as well as providing the means to build climate-resilience, manage risk and grow sustainably. Such initiatives are already at work, for example, the UNDP has provided decentralized solar solutions to empower communities through renewable energy access. 

The converging forces of climate change and conflict are reshaping development prospects in the region and as more and more people in the region become vulnerable, it is clear there is no more time to lose.

This was a short summary of an article written by Kishan Khoday and published by UNDP. Read the full article here.

Photo credit: Flickr/UNDP climate