This page gives you an overview of the people involved in the conference of 2016.

Community of practice

Attendees WG 1
WG 1 Arctic
WG 2 Horn of Africa
WG 3 Middle East and North Africa
WG 4 South Asia
WG 5 Food Security
WG 6 Water Security
WG 7 Resilience
WG 8 Foresight
WG 9 European Union
WG 10 Governance & Policy
WG 11 Economics
WG 12 Defense and Intelligence

Dr. Emad Adly

Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED)

Mr. Shakil Ahmad

Sustainable Development Policy Institute

Mr. Dipankar Aich

1. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2. The Hague Institute for Global Justice (THIGJ)

Mr. Ahmad Rafay Alam

Urban Unit

Mr. Daniel Alemu

Mercy Corps

Mrs. Sarissa Alleijn

Capgemini Consulting

Ms. Jesica Andrews

UN Environment

Dr. Ahmed Badr

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Ms. Sabra Bano

Gender Concerns International

Ms. Angeli Joyce Barafon

Government of the Philippines

Jan Pieter Barendse

Ministry of Foreign Affairs The Netherlands

Dr. Karina Barquet

Stockholm Environment Institute

Dr. Anamika Barua

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati , India

Dr. Likoyi Baruti

Recherches et Documentation Juridiques Africaines asbl

Mr. Luc Bas

IUCN European Regional Office

Mr. Hartmut Behrend

GIZ (German Development Agency)

H.E. Paul Bekkers

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Ms. Barbara Bendandi


Mr. Timothy Beres


Mr. Warren Bernauer

York University

Drs. Cas Besselink


Drs. Marcel Beukeboom

Government of the Netherlands

Miss. Tracy Bibo - Tansia

Brussels Parliament

Prof. Dr. Annette L. Bickford


Mr. Santosh Bishwkarma

Dalit NGO Federation (DNF)

Dr. Jason Blackstock

University College London

Mr. Henrik Bliddal

NATO Parliamentary Assembly

Mr. Sebastian Bloching

European Parliament

Ms. Camilla Born


Mr. Alexander Borum

The Clingendael Institute

Dr. Niklas Bremberg

Swedish Institute of International Affairs

Dr. Chad Briggs

GlobalInt LLC

Mr. Oli Brown

UN Environment

Mr. Bert Bruins

Wageningen University and Research

Mr. Roelof Buffinga

Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Julia Burnell

Elliott School of International Affairs

Ms. Paula Caballero

World Resources Institute

Prof. Mely Caballero-Anthony

S.Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Mr. Alexander Carius


Mr. John Carstensen


Ms. Shirleen Chin

Institute for Environmental Security

Mrs. Camelia Chirascu

Embassy of Romania to The Hague

Dr. Jenny Clover

Institute for Environmental Security

Mr. Gerald Coulombe

Embassy of Canada

Ms. Joëlle Coureau

French embassy

Mr. Alec Crawford


Miss. Verónica Crego Porley


Ms. Judit Cziko

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary

Prof. Geoff Dabelko

Ohio University

Mr. Ruben Dahm


Drs. Sophie de Bruin

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Mrs. Emmanuelle de Foy

Embassy of Belgium

Mr. Rens De Man

The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Mrs. Janneke De vries

World Resources Institute

Mr. Johan de Wit

Siemens & TU Delft

Mr. Ivo de zwaan

Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment

Dr. Pascal Delisle

European External Action Service

Ms. Marlies den Boer

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Luit-jan Dijkhuis

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

Mr. Taylor Dimsdale


Mr. Piet Dircke


Dr. Wybe Douma

T.M.C. Asser Institute

Mr. Paul Duclos

Embassy of Peru to the Netherlands

Dr. Patrina Dumaru

University of the South Pacific

Ms. Cheryl Durrant

Australian Department of Defence

Mr. Fredrik Ekfeldt

External Action Service of the EU

Mrs. Rana El Hajj

American University of Beirut

Mr. Marius Enthoven

UPEACE Centre The Hague

Mrs. Ulrika Eriksson Modéer

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Prof. Dr. Nadim Farajalla

American University of Beirut

Mr. Francesco Femia

The Center for Climate and Security

Ms. Michele Ferenz

Consensus Building Institute

Ms. Shiloh Fetzek

The Center for Climate and Security

Mr. Ernst Peter Fischer

German Foreign Ministry

Ms. Fiona Flintan

International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)

Mr. Christopher Frattina della Frattina

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

Mr. Leon Fuerth

The Project on Forward Engagement



Mr. Hein Gevers

Wageningen University & Research

Gen. Tariq Ghazi

Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change

Mr. Peter Glas

Waterschap De Dommel

Lt. Col. Guy Goemanne

Belgian MoD

Ms. Sherri Goodman

Woodrow Wilson International Center

Mr. Shaban Gosalci

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kosovo

Mrs. Erveina Gosalci

University for Business and Technology

Drs. Ann Groot-Philipps

Ministry of General Affairs Curaçao

Mr Lee Gunn

The Gunn Group

Mr. Tirtha Raj Gurung

United Hands for Change (UHFC)

Ms. Anne Hammill

International Institute for Sustainable Development

Dr. Judith Nora Hardt

University of the Basque Country

Mr. Nader Hasan

Stockwoods LLP

Dr. Heather Havens


Mr. Niels Hazekamp


Prof. Perry Heijne

CARE Nederland

Mr. Bart Hellings


Ms. Alice Hill

Hoover Institution at Stanford University

Ms. Danielle Hirsch


Mrs. Anne-marie Hitipeuw

City of The Hague

Mr. Paul Washington Howe


Dr. Patrick Huntjens

The Hague Institute for Global Justice

Dr. Nagi Iskander Awad Masoud

Sudan Embassy

Dr. Anders Jägerskog

Embassy of Sweden in Jordan/Sida

Ms. Karlijn Jans

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

Ms. Sung Jinjoo

Ministry of Foreing Affairs

Mr. Niels Hedegaard Jørgensen

Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Leonid Kalashnyk


Mr. Ries Kamphof

Kaleidos Research

Mr. Christian Kandler -Rodriguez

Embassy of Costa Rica

H.E Tariq Karim

Vivekananda International Foundation

Mr. Birger Karlsson

Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Mr. Syed Muhammad Nishat Ul Hassan Kazmi

Center for Research and Security Studies/Peking University

Mr. Yvan Keckeis

Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs

Gen. Ronald Keys

Center for Climate Security

Prof. Dr. Farid Khazen

American University of Beirut-Member of Parliament

Prof. Dr. Wendell King

U S Army (retired)

Prof. Dr. Marcus King

George Washington University

Mr. Ronald A. Kingham

Institute for Environmental Security

Mr. Joost Knoop

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Mr. Ahmad Komarulzaman

Nijmegen School of Management

Prof. Dr. Vally Koubi

ETH Zurich

Mr. Pieter Maurice (Pim) Kraan

Save the Children Netherlands

Dr. Florian Krampe

Uppsala University

Mr. Theodor Kranefeld

Boomym Foundation

Dr. Coenraad Krijger


Dr. Andre Kuipers

European Space Agency

Dr. Hammou Laamrani

GIZ and League of Arab States

Ms. Corinne Lamain


Ms. Hanna-leena Lampi

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland

Prof. Dr. Richard Langlais

AREL Scientific AB

Mrs. Ekaterina Larsson

Impact Hub Stockholm

Mr. Robert Laubacher

MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

Dr. Sue Lautze


Ms. Anne Le More

United Nations Environment Programme

Mr. Wouter Leer

Independent consultant

Dr. Gottfried Leibbrandt

Institute for Environmental Security

Mr. Sander Lelieveld Voormeulen

Ministry of Security and Justice

Ms. Patricia Lerner

Greenpeace International

Dr. Marcel Leroy

Institute for Environmental Security

Ms. Kirsty Lewis

Met Office

Drs. Willem Ligtvoet

PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency

Mr. John Dennis Liu

Commonland Foundation

Mr. Tony Long

Global Governance Institute, VUB Brussels

Dr. Amy Luers

Skoll Global Threats

Mr. Matt Luna

Institute for Environmental Security

Mr. Nick Mabey


Dr. Ayan Mahamoud


Ms. Jen Maman

Greenpeace International

Ms. Maria-claudia Marini

Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU

Ms. Kate McMahon

Mercy Corps

Dr. Karen Meijer


Drs. Madelon Meijer

Oxfam Novib

Dr. Gloria Mercado

Government of the Philippines

Dr. Bert Metz

European Climate Foundation

Ms. Kimberley Rain Miner

University of Maine/ CCS

Ms. Shreya Mitra

International Alert

Dr. Malin Mobjörk

Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI

Mrs Eveline Molier

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Isabelita Moncano- Somozo

Office of the President of the Philippines

Rear Admiral (Ret.) Neil Morisetti

University college London

Ms. Bessma Mourad

Skoll Global Threats Fund

Gen. Anm Muniruzzaman

Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies

Drs. Tabitha Muriuki

Wageningen University and Research Centre

Gen. Dennis Murphy

Global Military Advisory Council on Climate Change (GMACCC)

Ms. Farrah Musani

Government of Canada

Ms. Lara Nassar

WANA Institute

Ms. Dominique Noome

IUCN CEM / Royal Netherlands Army

Dr. Sibout Nooteboom


Drs. Bernice notenboom

inuksuk media

Mr. John Oldfield

Water 2017

Mr. Henk Ovink

Kingdom of The Netherlands

Mr. Alberto Pallecchi

World Resources Institute

Ms. Darshini Paltantewari

MFA Kingdom of the Netherlands

Ms. Meaghan Parker

Wilson Center

Ms. Dharini Parthasarathy

Climate Action Network

Ms. Wilhelmina Pelegrina

Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Ms. Katie Peters

Overseas Development Institute

Ms. Belynda Petrie

OneWorld Sustainable Investments

Dr. Benjamin Pohl


Mr. Roland postma

ventoux producties

Mr. Peter Potman

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Michel Rademaker

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

Dr. Tom Rand

MaRS Discovery District

Dr. David Reed


Dr. Nicolas REGAUD

Ministry of Defence

Mr. Martijn Regelink

De Nederlandsche Bank

Mr. Chris Reij

World Resources Institute

Mr. Philippe Rekacewicz

Dr. Sebastian Reyn

Ministry of Defence

Mrs. Leida Rijnhout

Friends of the Earth Europe

Mrs. Elke Roelant

American Chamber of Commerce

Drs. Tineke Roholl

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Lars Ronnås

Ministry of the environment and Energy

Mr. Hannes Roos

The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies

Drs. Anneke Rooth

Clingendael Institue

Ms. Cherie Rosenblum

CNA Military Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Ruerd Ruben

Wageningen University & Research

Mr. Stefan Ruchti

Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Lukas Rüttinger


H.E. Rahma Salih Elobied

Sudan Embassy

Dr. Nidal SALIM

GIWEH/ Global Institute for Water Environment and Health

Drs. Nika salvetti

UPEACE The Hague Centre


University of Alaska Anchorage

Mrs. Rolien Sasse


Dr. Amiera Sawas

Grantham Institute Imperial College London

Ms. Nynke Schaap

Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran

University of Hamburg

Dr. Tobias Schmitz

Global Institute for Water Environment and Health

Mr. Reed Schuler

U.S. Department of State

Ms. Jessica Scott

Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

Ms. Radia sedaoui


Mrs. Clare shakya


Mr. Balananda Sharma

Institute of Crisis Management (ICMS)

Dr. Jamie Shea


Mr. David Sherriff


Ms. Zaki Shubber


Mrs. Monika Sie Dhian Ho

Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'

Dr. Stephan Slingerland

Institute Clingendael

Mr. Ian Small


Mr. Dan Smith


Mr. Shraban Kumar Sop

Disaster Reduction Nepal (DRN)

Mr. Gerald Stang

EU Institute for Security Studies

Mr. Thijs Stoffelen

Wageningen University

Mrs. Ardi Stoios-Braken

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Prof. Ashok Swain

Uppsala University

Dr. Rob Swart


Drs. Tim Sweijs


Ms. Olivia Taghioff

Dag Hammarskjold Foundation

Ms. Hilu Tagoona

Nunavummiut Makitagunarningit

Mr. Dennis Tänzler


Mr. Barend ter Haar


Drs. Tessa Terpstra

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Mr. Ron Thiemann


Ms. Cara Thuringer


Mr. Benjamin Tida

Gender Concerns International

Dr. Ethemcan Turhan

KTH (Royal Institute of Technology)

Prof. Dr. Bishnu Raj Upreti

Nepal Centre for Contemporary Research (NCCR)

Ms. Anca-elena Ursu

Yenching Academy of Peking University/ICC

Dr. Maarten van Aalst

Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre

Mrs. Marijn van Blom

Netherlends ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mrs. Alice van de Bovenkamp

The Hague Centre For Strategic Studies

Drs. Vincent Van den Bergen

Vvandenbergen advice

Miss. Kyra van den Hil


Drs. Heleen van der Beek


Ms. Kitty van der Heijden


Prof. Roel van der Veen

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ms. Jolanda van der Vliet

The Hague University of applied sciences/Leiden University

Mr. Mark van der Wal

IUCN National Committee of the Netherlands

Mr. Floris van Nouhuijs

Van Oord

Lt. Col. Vincent van Ophem

Royal Dutch Army

Mr. Joost van Puijenbroek


Dr. Louise van Schaik

Clingendael Institute

Mr. Xander van Tilburg

ECN Policy Studies

Mr. Michel van winden


Mr. Wouter Veening

Institute for Environmental Security

Ms. Swathi Veeravalli

US Army Corps of Engineers

Drs. Camilla Veerman

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands

Mr. Alexander Verbeek

Institute for Planetary Security

Mr. Rob Verheem

Netherlands Commission for Environmental Assessment

Ms. Janani Vivekananda


Drs. Niels Vlaanderen

Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

Mr. Tobias von Lossow

German Institute for International and Security Affairs / Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP)

Dr. Nina von Uexkull

Uppsala University

Ms. Ria Voorhaar

Global Strategic Communication Council

Dr. Bríd Walsh

Leiden University College

Dr. Lindy Weilgart

Dalhousie University

Ms. Caitlin Werrell

The Center for Climate and Security

Ms. Mette Wilkie


Mr. Stephan Wolters


Ms. Linda J Yarr

George Washington University

Dr. Nasser Yassin

American University of Beirut

Dr. Yumiko Yasuda

The Hague Institute for Global Justice/International Centre for Water Cooperation

Mrs. Iryna Yefremova

Embassy of Ukraine

Prof. Dr. Annelies Zoomers

Utrecht University