B3 – Addressing Gender Dimensions of Climate Change and Security

Climate change has been recognized as a defining threat to peace in the 21st century. As increasingly demonstrated by ground level realities, there is an urgent need to understand climate-related security risks from a gender perspective.

Importantly, gender and inclusion dimensions are progressively being reflected in international and multi-lateral debates around the climate and security nexus. Addressing such multidimensional security challenges requires new partnerships that bridge traditional divides. 

This event will suggest ways to better understand gender dimensions of climate-security risks and explore gender-responsive approaches to preventing and resolving conflict, with an emphasis on intersectional vulnerabilities and opportunities. 

Women and men involved in local-level conflict prevention and resolution efforts will be invited to share their experiences and candidly discuss challenges and opportunities. Findings from recent field research, as well as examples from projects in Sudan and Nepal will be presented and discussed, with the objective of distilling lessons learned and good practices that could be adapted and replicated in other contexts. Participants will also discuss how gender dimensions of climate-security risks could be better assessed and analyzed by relevant actors, experts and stakeholders, using new tools.

The session has three related objectives: First, to build better understanding and analysis of gender dimensions of climate-security risks. Second, to explore gender-responsive approaches to preventing and resolving conflict. Third, to promote adaptation and replication of gender-responsive approaches in other projects and contexts.

Picture credit: Practical Action Nepal/UN Environment Programme