On Wednesday 22 November PSI experts Lukas Rüttinger (adelphi) and Malin Mobjörk (SIPRI) will speak during the public hearing "The security dimension of climate change - what implications for EU Common Security and Defence Policy?" in Brussels. The hearing is organized by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Security and Defence from the European Parliament, and testifies to the importance that is attached to this topic in the European Union. Twice a year parliamentary committees organize this type of hearing, covering trends they think are important now or in the near future. Recently the European Parliament has been stepping up its efforts to put climate change higher on the agenda, as is also visible in the resolution on climate change it adopted on 4 October.
During the meeting various experts will discuss trends and developments in climate-security and European responses. Topics that are on the agenda include: EU foreign and security policy in the context of climate security, Global security developments and climate change, Climate security in the Sahel region and Climate security and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP). PSI works closely with the European Union and other multilateral fora, such as the G7, to raise awareness and deepen our understanding of the risks climate change poses to peace and stability.
More information about this event can be found here.