Mali’s Fertile Grounds for Conflict: Climate Change and Resources Stress (A1)

Local natural resource governance, climate change and conflict links in Mali are complex and interlinked. Yet, policy and programmatic responses to addressing these linked risks remain siloed and sector-specific.  Using an interactive format to share experiences from Mali and small group discussions to dive deeper into the complex issues at play, this event aims to i) expand and establish a more nuanced understanding of the climate-security risks in Mali and ii) identify approaches and responses that can better link security, peacebuilding, climate change adaptation, natural resource management and development efforts. The event is aimed at international organizations, policy makers, NGO’s and funding agencies.



  • To identify practical approaches and responses that can better link security, peacebuilding, climate change adaptation and development efforts.
  • Raise awareness of the complex, inter-linked climate-security risks in Mali.
  • Identify clear action points for donors and practitioners to enable joint programming – how climate change programming can be more conflict-sensitive and how conflict and peacebuilding responses can integrate climate risks and promote inclusive governance of natural resources.
  • Identify what institutional challenges exist and what new and innovative approaches might look like.

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